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Water Primrose

Water primrose (Ludwigia sp.) is an invasive species. Once growth increases and mat formation begins, fishing this plant can become quite difficult. Fishing edges is most effective with a jig or senko.

Water Primrose

Seasonal Techniques

Spring—Water primrose emerges from underground root structures (rhizomes) in early spring and begins rapid growth to the surface. As water primrose emerges from both shoreline and near-shore areas, vertical stems provide optimal opportunity for a swimbait or swimjig.

Summer—Once water primrose reaches the surface, it will begin to rapidly spread out across the water's surface, forming interwoven, impenetrable mats. As stems fall horizontally, new roots can form where leaves previously existed and quickly root in the sediment. A yellow flower will begin to appear at the peak of summer. Once growth increases and mat formation begins, fishing water primrose can become quite difficult. Fishing edges is most effective with a jig or senko.

Fall—Water primrose will reach peak growth in the fall, and fishing will remain difficult. Run weedless topwater across and over holes in water primrose (heavy braid recommended), or fish edges.

Winter—Water primrose will survive mostly as a rhizome until the following spring. Dead stems of water primrose may be present through mid-winter. Fish these by hopping a jig through and across leftover plant matter.

Habitat Value

Fish—The submersed portions of water primrose can provide some habitat for invertebrates, which subsequently become prey for small fish and those fish become prey for bass. However, water primrose is notorious for crowding out and shading out beneficial native species.

Waterfowl—There is no known benefit of water primrose to waterfowl.

Identifying Features

What It Looks Like—A large stem with alternating leaves are characteristic of water primrose. Leaves at the end of stems will often be arranged like a rosette. A yellow flower is often visible.

Where to Find It—Water primrose is highly adaptable and can be found growing on nearly any shoreline out into 5 or 6 feet of water.

Max Depth—0 to 5 feet

Similar Species—Water primrose looks very similar to alligatorweed, however alligatorweed has opposing leaves, a hollow stem and small white flower.


Because of its aggressive nature, water primrose very often causes conflicts with other water uses, including making shoreline access impossible. This species is very commonly managed in a reservoir setting. Cost to manage: $$$$ out of $$$$$

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