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Eagle on a nest

The Eagles Have Hatched: Keep an Eye on Live EagleCam

Tired of deciding what to watch on Netflix? Check out "Nestflix" instead.

You can now stream a 24/7 live video of two eagle nests, viewable via TVA-sponsored live EagleCams.

Eagles have returned to their nests near Winged Deer Park in Johnson City, Tennessee, and Bluff City, Tennessee near Boone Lake. Two eggs have been laid in Johnson City, and the two eggs are expected to hatch any day in Bluff City.

The EagleCams are operated by East Tennessee State University’s Department of Biological Sciences, and their clear views into the nests provide a priceless opportunity to observe the habits of the magnificent birds. TVA is a sponsor and provided support for employees and equipment to help install the cameras high above the ground. Audio enhances the viewing experience.

Eagles often pair for life. Winter is the season when the birds lay eggs and spring is the time they begin to raise the young eaglets, teaching them to fly and hunt. In previous years, viewers from nearly every country in the world tuned in to watch the birds raise their eaglets and successfully launch them into adult life.

“Our EagleCam Project has been the cooperative project of a community of volunteers, donors, and corporate sponsors. TVA has been a strong supporter of this educational service effort almost since its initiation,” said Dr. Fred Alsop, ETSU Biological Sciences professor and leader of the project. “Together we have brought the personal lives of this pair of our national birds into the homes of viewers around the world, numbering 206 countries and territories in the 2018-2019 nesting season, and we continue to do so 24/7 and 365 days of the year.”

Watch the live feed from multiple angles below.

Watch eagle cam​

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